Fight for all's right to flight

Flight For Everyone is a non-profit activist group founded in 2021 dedicated to raising awareness regarding the discrimination the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has against people with learning disabilities and personality disorders.

Our goal is to grant everyone the opportunity to get a private pilot license, ranging from those with ADHD to those that are on wheelchairs; all of us must fight for our right of independent transportation.

of the discrimination

The Federal Aviation Administration has put unnecessary restrictions on people with learning disabilities and personality disorders; everyone should have the right to independently use any form of transportation. Intelligent and safe people are denied to fly/achieve aeronautical degrees just because the government has a misunderstanding about non-neurotypical people. Imagine the advances we would have if everyone had the chance to travel themselves through the sky.

The Pandemic has been a huge problem around the world which made flying into a huge endeavour of waiting for hours to even get into a terminal and social distancing. Imagine if more people had pilot licenses so they wouldn't have to wait at the airport? The problem is that people with ADHD or Depression do not have the choice to learn to fly because of the restrictions of the FAA. They cannot fly to help save an animal from a shelter by transporting it to another state for a second chance and they do not have the freedom to get into their own personal airplane to see their own family. We must Fight for Flight.


“I actually thrive on all the challenges, and I don't feel like ADD has impaired my ability.”
— David Neeleman Founder of JetBlue Airways

External Links

Our documentation provides further information about the FAA; you can also contribute to support the cause!